Tuesday, April 27, 2010

La Roux-Band member “Elly Jackson”

La Roux-Band member “Elly Jackson

Elly Jackson

Elly Jackson's first interest in music revolved around folk music. She was particularly interested in Carole King and Nick Drake whom she discovered in her parents' record collection. (Her mother is Trudie Goodwin, who rose to fame playing June Ackland on long-running police series The Bill.) Jackson's early musical material consisted of folk ditties informed by Joni Mitchell. Her taste in music changed during her mid-teens when she became involved in the melodic death-metal scene.
Jackson has been linked to a pop music trend that features androgynous twenty-something women with a strong individualistic attitude. She has cited musicians David Bowie, Madonna, Max Cavalera, Prince , The Knifeand actor David Schwimmer as her influences. She co-designs her own clothing with her pet dog, Snappy. Jackson is unhappy with what she perceives as a "normality" fashion trend among a majority of today's musical acts. Her clothing and hair style which has been compared to the 1980s group Flock of Seagulls is being imitated by young men in London.
Jackson has been critical of other musicians. She feels that a culture of positivity has lowered standards. Reacting to the polarization her remarks have caused, Jackson noted that she makes a distinction between a person's work and how they are as a person.Get your tickets of all your favorite events at Ticket Market like La Roux Concert Tickets.
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