Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Goldfrapp has characterised ‘Head First’ as her ‘up’ album, but that’s misleading

Goldfrapp has characterised ‘Head First’ as her ‘up’ album, but that’s misleading. Certainly, the songs we’ve mentioned and ‘I Wanna Life’ (which should have a video of a teenage girl post-argument with Mum catching a Greyhound bus to the nearest Big City) are bouyant, free-spirited affairs, but there’s darkness on here too. Sadly, it isn’t always pulled off with the same aplomb; ‘Shiny And Warm’ revisits the electronic-chanteuse persona of ‘Strict Machine’ and ‘Train’, but it feels sexed-down and safe, while downbeat ‘Hunt’ could use big-chorus power-ballad tastelessness to lift it out of its meandering torpor. Most damning of all is ‘Voicething’, a five-minute synth abstraction that sounds like Enya braying out a mating call and which, on a record just nine songs long, there really shouldn’t have been space for..Buy La Roux Tickets - La Roux Tickets - La Roux Tickets For United Kingdom 2010 Concerts & Sell La Roux Tickets through One stop shop to catch your favorite event like La Roux Tickets. La Roux Tickets are Guaranteed, La Roux Tickets are Fast and La Roux Tickets are Secure here!

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