Saturday, April 10, 2010

La Roux Back in the 1990s

Back in the 1990s, wags like me would occasionally quip that the decade couldn't be revived; it was already such a hotchpotch of half-borrowed styles that any music drawing on it would be a Xerox of a Xerox. I was being silly. With time, the differences between, say, Britpop and the 60s and 80s music that sometimes inspired it seem sharper. The fact Cigarettes and Alcohol borrows from T. Rex is the least relevant thing about it – the way it fitted into its time and the lives of its listeners is more important.Buy La Roux Tickets - La Roux Tickets - La Roux Tickets For United Kingdom 2010 Concerts & Sell La Roux Tickets through One stop shop to catch your favorite event like La Roux Tickets. La Roux Tickets are Guaranteed, La Roux Tickets are Fast and La Roux Tickets are Secure here!

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